Here at Origaudio, we don't believe in cubicles and white-walled office buildings. We believe in #MakingAwesomeHappen in a space that inspires creativity with fun vintage flare.
Origaudio has two office buildings; one in Northern California and one in Southern. Today's sneak peek is of the Northern California office located in quaint downtown Pleasanton. While our team is growing rapidly, we love this office and the "family" that works here; consisting of 10 employees whose positions range from Operations to Marketing to CEO.
Right off the bat, you can tell we don't work in your average office space. Typical reactions resemble 'dang dude, this is pretty sweet.'
You bet it's cool. Fun fact: most of the office design came from our CEO's favorite Pinterest design board!
We also really really love our snacks. I mean, cmon, who doesn't?
Aside from displaying snacks and fun printed books... we do show off our products. You might notice some of our branded items we create for corporate gifting (
You're probably wondering where the "office" part of this office tour comes in. We do work, I swear! Here's some pictures of our desks, employee cameos included:
Meetings and product development occur up here, too! (Those views though...)
If you know anything about Jason Lucash, our CEO, you know he spends a good chunk of his life in an airplane seat. He's a million mile flyer which has led to, somehow, us having real airplane seats in our office. Yes- they are as old and dirty as they look. But we think it makes us edgy. Anyway.
Thanks for taking a peek into our office! Shop our products online at